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Restoration Center Yuba City

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212 Bridge St

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Hello All and God Bless you😇on Sunday August 19,2018 Restoration Center Church is going to celebrate our Sixth Year Anniversary. We will have two services 11:00am with Minister Chris Gibson from Bethel Temple and our 5:00pm Service with Reverend William Ivory Baker Sr Come and celebrate and be blessed in Jesus Name 😇🙏🏾👏🏽💥❤️


Good evening everyone I have been doing a series on Knowing God as Father, Knowing God as Friend and Lord Willing tomorrow Knowing God as the Righteous Judge Powerful Revelation come join us at 212 Bridge Street Restoration Center Church 11:00am God Bless you 😇❤️💥🙏🏾


Good evening everyone I have been doing a series on Knowing God as Father, Knowing God as Friend and Lord Willing tomorrow Knowing God as the Righteous Judge Powerful Revelation come join us at 212 Bridge Street Restoration Center Church 11:00am God Bless you 😇❤️💥🙏🏾


212 Bridge Street 11:00am ❤️😇🙏🏾💥


212 Bridge Street 11:00am we would love to see you there ❤️🙏🏾😇💥


Hello all and Good Afternoon everyone and Happy Monday 💥💥😇I want to extend an invitation for a new Bible Class series that will begin on Tuesday August 1 2017 on the The Seven Signs of Jealousy( based on a book by Sheryl Harrison). I have come to understand the fact that in order to get deliverance from an issue you must expose the issue and be humble enough to admit your struggle with the issue in order to be Free from the if you need healing and deliverance come to the Well Restoration Center Church 212 Bridge Street in Yuba City 7:30pm God Bless you in Jesus Name 👏🏽💥💥🙏🏾❤️


To God Be the glory our first Sunday at 212 Bridge Street


Ladies and Girls of Grace Dance ministry


Good afternoon everyone I pray that you are having a blessed day in Jesus Name. God has given me some Divine Revelation since Tuesday night that I would like to share with you which is the fact that God has instilled in everyone of us a gift Ephesians 4:7 says He has given each one of us a special gift through the generosity of Christ however, the gift that God has given us must connect with the Revelation of who He is and only then will the manifestation of the gift bring Him Glory.. too often we are searching for gifts and the gifts are already in us we must seek for the Revelation of who He is(like Moses did) and then and only then will the manifestation of the gift come into fruition because we will bring Glory to Him and not to ourselves in Jesus Name


Hello everyone it has been a while since I have been able to post something on our page but Restoration Center has moved to a new location our address is 212 Bridge Street Yuba City and our new Worship service time begins at 10:30am Come and be Blessed in Jesus Name


Well Good morning Everyone, it is another day to be blessed and blessed to be a I rise today I am thinking about our Bible study from Tuesday night about the fruit of Faith. I challenged those who were there to think about the difference between James saying Faith without works is dead and Paul saying Abraham was accredited Righteous because he Believed or had Faith in God. It sounds a little contradicting right? but in essence the message is this fact Abraham was credited Righteous because he believed God in other words you receive Christ as an act of Faith but you cannot work your way into Heaven no man is justified by works however, because you are saved through Faith your Faith should produce works and the works of Faith is too show the Love of Christ and to Bless others. Therefore if we profess that we are Christians we show our Faith through works of Faith in serving caring compassion love toward others. Everyday we should be a reflection of Christ both in word and in deed so I challenge you today to produce the fruit of Faith Bless someone on Purpose today in Jesus Name Let us let the fruit of of Faith produce much fruit today! Be Blessed!!


Good Morning Everyone Rise shine for the light has come and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon us in Jesus Name!! well this is another day to be used for the glory of God! at Restoration Center Yuba City we are in a study on the book of James James is know for FAITH and he admonishes us not be hearers of the WORD but doers because anyone who does the word only is deceived. which leads me into my though of the day How often do we practice doing the word and what does the fruit of the Word look like? he gives us a hint in chapter two verse 14-17 when he says "14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, 16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? 17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone". Look around you can you see the homeless can you see the poor children and the widows can you see the hurting? Let us use each day to put our LOVE in action and be doers of the WORD SO THAT THE FRUIT OF OUR FAITH IS ALIVE AND NOT DEAD Who can you bless today God Bless you and I love you in Jesus Name!


Good Morning Everyone God is so good and has blessed us with another day to build His Kingdom Lords will before I go to work I am going to pre-register Bella for Kindergarten today even though she is four her birthday falls within the deadline so in September little Bella will be going to Lincreast School Wow I pray that they are ready for her Lol! Well... everyone I just want to encourage you today that everything is already alright my assignment yesterday was to preach on the life of Esther although I have heard this story several times the Holy Spirit revealed some things that I never realized before and I will share a little with you First Esther's Jewish name is Hadassah which means myrtle tree and it only releases its fragrance when it is CRUSHED yes I said CRUSHED and the name Esther also means HIDDEN note chapter 4:14 when Mordecai stated to her and" who knows for you have come to your royal position for such a time as this" This makes me rejoice because if you are going through the crushing process and I know it has not been easy and yes very hurtful doors not closed but slammed in your face you have been talked about and looked over but your are still in the press despite the challenges you need to Rejoice because great is your reward! We must realize that an olive does not become olive oil until it is crushed and the oil represents the Anointing! We have been crushed and hidden because God has preserved us For such a time as this in Jesus Name! He has saved the best for last I share a Prophetic word spoken over my life about two years ago by Kendra Wilson " Ada is so strong I am going to weaken her And my Spirit will make His perfect strength in her in her tell her not to fight the weakening but to seek me more and seek me daily" We must allow God to weaken us and welcome the crushing because He has hidden us For such a time as this rise us Esthers take your position For such a time as this God Bless you in Jesus Name


Good Morning Everyone This is the day that the Lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it in Jesus Name! I hear this song as I arise today My mom used to sing this song in church when I was a little girl The King is coming, The King is coming, I heard the Trumpet sound and now His face I see, the King is coming, the King is coming praise God He's coming for me..... God Bless you in Jesus Name!


Good Morning Facebook I thank God for Wednesday night Intercession it really is a Blessed night where we gather together to support one another in Love Fellowship and the Word and last night we were talking about the value of Patience. I realize that waiting on things can be very challenging because we wait to have things right now but I heard Juanita Bynum say that " Those who are willing to go down God is about to shot them out like an arrow". There is value when we wait and be willing to allow the Potter to mold us and make us after His Divine Image and Likeness. If you are in a season of Waiting restructure your thinking and begin to rejoice that God is allowing you to WAIT because of the value of what you are gaining in the process I leave you with Luke 21:15-19 "15 For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. 16 And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. 17 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake. 18 But there shall not an hair of your head perish. 19 In your patience possess ye your souls." God Bless you in Jesus Name!


Good morning everyone Thank you Lord for another day to build your Kingdom in Jesus Name I was up at 4:00am this morning and I am learning to be obedient when I am awakened because I know that God is trying to reveal something to me I pulled out my book the Necessity of an Enemy and boom there was some revelation that I want to share with you " Needs that are not met in childhood, are seeds planted in the soul that may take years to germinate and bear fruit. If we have never dealt with our unmet emotional needs they have the potential to produce root systems that bear behavioral fruit that can undermine your relationships and wreak all kinds of havoc. If as a child you felt unloved then as an adult you will believe a lie that you are unlovable and any time we base our actions on falsehoods we sabotage our futures". Wow please mediate on this and let us ask God to show us and deliver us form harm to others and our futures. We must love ourselves and one another in Jesus Name! God Bless you and I pray that you are blessed and blessed to be a blessing!


Good Morning everyone and I declare and decree that Something Good is going to happen today The Holy Spirit let me know that Change is not on the Horizion it is officially here Restoration Center Yuba City is officially is Transition meaning process of change: a process or period in which something undergoes a change and passes from one state, stage, form, or activity to another we are going over to the other side but I must say that I thank God for every mountain and every trial that He has brought us through God Bless you in Jesus Name


Good morning everyone! I pray that all is well and you continue to be blessed in Jesus Name!! I thank God for the Holy Spirit. Jesus told us that when He was going to ascend to the Father there would be one who would come and be sent along to help us, it is the Greek word Paraclete which means advocate or helper... we must realize this fact we are not alone and yes the Holy Spirit is real, with that said,.... I would like to say that I thank Him for ministering to me everyday and this morning in particular He was using the analogy of a word called Blinders. Blinders are used with horses they're not intended to help out a horse's vision - they're not going to allow them to "see straight". they're designed to eliminate distractions so the horse focuses only on what is ahead of him. I heard the Holy Spirit say that we must put on our Spiritual Blinders because we must press ahead and not be distracted by what is on our left or our right. When I was in Seminary at ORU, I had a good friend and his name is D'Juan Hopewell (by the way I am going to call you today Lol!) and he loved the writings of the Apostle Paul and used to always say that he was a" Beast" meaning that he was all that! and this is what Paul said in Philippians 3:13" Brethren," I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus". therefore when you are wearing your Spiritual Blinders you are not looking at your past you are not looking to the left or the right but you are pressing full speed ahead. I have my Spiritual Blinders on how about you? God Bless you and I love you in Jesus Name!


Good Morning Face Book This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it! I am truly grateful to have had Parents who trained me up in the Knowledge of God life has and will not be easy but because my parents taught me about Jesus and His Word they equipped me with the only Tool to help me make it through this journey called LIFE.... My Dad the Late Great Elder Major Terry used to sing this song and I remember as a little girl listening to him sing not quite understanding the words by as an adult when things get a little rough I hear him singing in my heart and I can say I understand what this Hymn is all about which is this journey called LIFE.... Please mediate on these words today it will bless you I want to let Yasmin know today that God has great plans for you and I am Praying for you in Jesus Name God Bless you here are the Words...".We are tossed and driven on the restless sea of time; somber skies and howling tempests oft succeed a bright sunshine; in that land of perfect day, when the mists are rolled away, we will understand it better by and by. Refrain: By and by, when the morning comes, when the saints of God are gathered home, we'll tell the story how we've overcome, for we'll understand it better by and by. 2. We are often destitute of the things that life demands, want of food and want of shelter, thirsty hills and barren lands; we are trusting in the Lord, and according to God's word, we will understand it better by and by. (Refrain) 3. Trials dark on every hand, and we cannot understand all the ways of God would lead us to that blessed promised land; but he guides us with his eye, and we'll follow till we die, for we'll understand it better by and by. (Refrain) 4. Temptations, hidden snares often take us unawares, and our hearts are made to bleed for a thoughtless word or deed; and we wonder why the test when we try to do our best, but we'll understand it better by and by. (Refrain)


Good Morning Facebook God is good and worthy of all the Glory and Honor in Jesus Name I declare like the late Great Oral Roberts used to say" Something Good is going to Happen in Jesus Name" to all Gods Children know this there are things that are going on in the realm of Heaven and God is up to something Good!! We have been in one of the biggest fights of our lives and the enemy has been attacking us left and right our children our churches our families because he knows that his time is short and he is on a mission to stop the Church but we can declare like Peter did He said " Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against me in Jesus Name! Church get dressed we are going to battle and the triumph is getting ready to blow Luke 10: 24 says this" For I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see and have seen it and hear what you hear and we have not heard it" We are in those times right now there are going to be some things that if you do not know Christ that are going to shake you too your core with fear but to those hwo say yes to Gods Will we will Rejoice because we know what God is up too and YES He is up to something Good God bless you in Jesus Name!


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Hello one more time everyone I wanted to share with you another wonderful Video of my Little Niece Bella who at the age of four is in training to be a great Prayer Warrior and Intercessor for God. the Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 to train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. This child I declare in Jesus Name will go forth to build the Kingdom of God I pray that you are blessed as we prayed tonight in Jesus Name. one more thing Parents please pray and spend time with your children the greatest gift that you can give your child is JESUS!! Be Blessed in Jesus Name

Hello and Good Evening everyone, I want to bless you with a video from two years ago of my little niece Bella Praise Dancing when she was just two years old and still in Diapers. Restoration Center Yuba City hosted our first Dance Workshop and after an hour and a half of practice she learned this dance. When my sister and I watched her dance for the first time we knew that this little baby had a gift from God be Blessed in Jesus Name

Youth Weekend Bella ans Madison Everybody Clap your Hands directe
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Restaurantes cercano

También revise estos Restaurantes cercanos:

In-N-Out Burger
1375 Sunsweet Blvd., Yuba City
Asiático, Hamburguesa, Comida rápida
Justin's Kitchen
628 Plumas St, Yuba City
Janyo Frozen Yogurt
1520 Butte House Rd, Yuba City
Dancing Tomato Caffé
990 N Walton Avenue, Yuba City
Americano, Estilo familiar
Cupcake Magic
728 Plumas St # B, Yuba City
Casa Lupe Yuba City
655 W Onstott Rd, Yuba City
Estilo familiar, Latinoamericano, Mexicano
The Mongolian BBQ
440 Colusa Ave, Yuba City
Asiático, Barbacoa, Mongol
Midtown Grill
747 Colusa Ave, Yuba City
Americano, Asiático, Hamburguesa
Carlitos Mexican Restaurant Yuba City, Ca
885 Richland Rd, Yuba City
Las Brasas Mexican Restaurant Yuba City
1529 Colusa Hwy, Ste 1, Yuba City
Comida rápida, Latinoamericano, Mexicano
La Unica's Fresh Mex
971 Gray Ave, Yuba City
Comida rápida, Tex-mex
Sopa Thai Cuisine
720 Plumas St, Yuba City
Asiático, Tailandés
Chikara Japanese & Sushi Restaurant
619 Plumas St, Yuba City
Asiático, Marisco, Sushi
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers
1208 Colusa Ave, Yuba City
Asiático, Hamburguesa, Sin glutén
Chili's Grill & Bar
1300 Annette Way, Yuba City
The Yuba City Ranch House
111 S George Washington Blvd, Yuba City
Marcello's Italian Restaurant
1235 Bridge St, Yuba City
Europeo, Italiano
Linda's Soda Bar and Grill
668 Plumas St, Yuba City
Corner To-Go
647 Plumas Street, Yuba City
Americano, Comida casera
Bombay Lounge
1529 Colusa Hwy, Ste 5, Yuba City
Asiático, Indio
Tings Refuge
1501 Butte House Rd, Yuba City
Cool Hand Luke's - Yuba City
1669 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City
Barbacoa, Estilo familiar
Dairy Queen
1375 Live Oak Blvd, Yuba City
Comida rápida
Top This Frozen Desserts & Treats
540 Bogue Rd, Suite W2B, Yuba City
Hoteles cercano

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The Inn Above Tide
30 El Portal, Sausalito
Complejo hotelero, Hostería
Deetjen's Big Sur Inn
48865 Highway 1, Big Sur
Red Lion Inn & Suites Cathedral City
69151 E Palm Canyon Drive, Cathedral City
Post Ranch Inn
47900 Highway 1, Big Sur
Complejo hotelero
Pelican Hill Villas
22701 Pelican Hill Road South, Newport Coast
Complejo hotelero
Cardinal Village Resort
321 Cardinal Road, Bishop
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San Ysidro Ranch
900 San Ysidro Ln, Santa Barbara
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Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills
9850 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills
The Ritz-Carlton, Los Angeles
900 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles
Carmel Valley Ranch
1 Old Ranch Road, Carmel
Complejo hotelero
The Stanford Inn by the Sea
44850 Comptche Ukiah Rd, Mendocino
Posada, Complejo hotelero
The Resort At Pelican Hill
22701 South Pelican Hill Road, Newport Coast
Complejo hotelero
Hotel Yountville
6462 Washington St, Yountville
Sea & Sand Inn
201 W Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz
Bernardus Lodge & Spa
415 W Carmel Valley Rd, Carmel Valley
Complejo hotelero
On The Beach Bed and Breakfast
181 N Ocean Ave, Cayucos
Posada, Hotel
The Landing Lake Tahoe Resort & Spa
4104 Lakeshore Blvd, South Lake Tahoe
Complejo hotelero
Ventana Big Sur
48123 Highway 1, Big Sur
Complejo hotelero
The Lodge at Torrey Pines
11480 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla
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Sierra Mar at Post Ranch Inn
47900 Highway 1, Big Sur
The Lodge At Pebble Beach
1700 17 Mile Dr, Pebble Beach
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Pendry San Diego
550 J St, San Diego
Complejo hotelero
Calistoga Ranch, an Auberge Resort
580 Lommel Rd, Calistoga
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Belmond El Encanto
800 Alvarado Pl, Santa Barbara
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The Inn at Spanish Bay
2700 17 Mile Dr, Pebble Beach
Complejo hotelero, Hostería
Agentes de bienes raices cercano

También revise estos Agentes de bienes raices cercanos:

Intero Showcase - Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Butte & Yolo Counties
868 Richland Rd, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
The Kal Johal Real Estate Team
422 Century Park Dr, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
The Beam Team Realtors
422 Century Park Dr, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Ashley S. Leonard, Real Estate Agent Providence Properties
1510 Poole Blvd. Ste 303, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Nikos Krohn Realty
Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Muhammad Sandhu Can-Do Real Estate
951 Live Oak Blvd, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Heritage Realtors
1425 Butte House Road, Yuba City
Inmobiliaria, Servicio de bienes raíces
Sutter-Yuba Association Of REALTORS®
1558 Starr Dr, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Indrieri Real Estate Team
868 Richland Rd, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Becca Knoop Realtor Intero Showcase License# 02025966
868 Richland Rd, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
North Butte Real Estate, Inc. brokered by Re/max Gold Liz Powell, Realtor
951 Live Oak Blvd, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Debra Handy Real Estate
951 Live Oak Blvd, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Andrea Lavin Century 21 Select Real Estate Inc.
409 Century Park Dr, Yuba City
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Lisa Garcia Realtor DRE #02037459
Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Aztec Real Estate
Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Bosanek Real Estate Group
410 Century Park Drive, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Intero Real Estate Services Beverly White BRE #01468322
868 Richland Rd, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces, Servicio de bienes raíces
Michelle Swift, Providence Properties, Real Estate Done the SWIFT WAY
1510 Poole Blvd, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces, Servicio de bienes raíces
Dena Walker- Realtor
Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Chad LeBlanc At Hilbers Legacy Properties Inc
1210 Stabler Lane, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Amanda at Hilbers Legacy Properties
1210 Stabler Lane, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Josh McGrath, Intero Showcase
868 Richland Road, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Cameron Kraus - Realtor
410 Century Park Dr, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Sally Karnegas, Realtor BRE #01982234
1425 Butte House Road, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Gurnam passi Realtor
409 century park drive, Yuba City
Agente de bienes raíces
Peluqueros cercano

También revise estos Peluqueros cercanos:

Rockabetty's Hair Parlor
561 2nd St, Yuba City
Barbería, Peluquería, Maquillador
Tickled Pink Nail Boutique
1527 Starr Dr, Suite T, Yuba City
Salón de uñas
Headlines Salon & Spa
878 Richland Rd, Yuba City
Salón de belleza, Servicio de cuidados de la piel
Studio 622 Salon & Spa
622 Plumas St, Yuba City
Barbería, Peluquería, Salón de uñas
Hustle & Blow Hair
787 Plumas St, Yuba City
Barbería, Servicio de extensiones capilares, Peluquería
Melissa Poma Hair
661 Plumas St, Yuba City
Tienda de artículos de belleza, Peluquería
Bombshells Salon
621 Plumas St, Yuba City
Peluquería, Salón de uñas
Blooming Lotus Hair Studio
580 Bunce Rd, Yuba City
Peluquería, Salón de uñas
Shabby Chic Boutique & Salon
297 Julie Dr, Yuba City
Peluquería, Salón de uñas
Twin Cities Barbers
1040 Lincoln Rd, Yuba City
Barbería, Peluquería
Image Salon and Day Spa
1548 Starr Dr, Yuba City
Tienda de cosméticos, Peluquería
Y.C. Savvy Salon
1585 Butte House Rd suite B, Yuba City
Peluquería, Maquillador
Eva's Nail Spa
940 Colusa Ave, Yuba City
Salón de uñas
Allure Innovation Salon
229 Clark Ave, Ste R, Yuba City
Peluquería, Maquillador
Sport Clips Haircuts of Yuba City Marketplace
1054 Harter Rd., Suite 2, Yuba City
Barbería, Peluquería
California GR8 Cuts
850 Colusa Ave, Ste B, Yuba City
Servicio de depilación, Peluquería
Leanne Roper at Little Red Hair House
819 Shasta St, Yuba City
Barbería, Peluquería
Ritual Hair & Skin Studio
567 Reeves Ave, Yuba City
Peluquería, Servicio de cuidados de la piel
Salon hairspray
430 N Palora Ave, Yuba City
Tienda de artículos de belleza, Peluquería, Salón de uñas
Blowin Up Chloe
1633 Starr Dr, Yuba City
Peluquería, Maquillador
The Lash & Beauty Bar
861 Gray Ave Suite G, Yuba City
Element Salon
1538 Poole Blvd, Ste Y, Yuba City
Bliss Salon
866 Plumas St, Yuba City
Percy Avenue Barber Shop
200 Percy Ave, Yuba City
Barbería, Tienda de cosméticos, Peluquería
Beauty By Shyla
870 W Onstott frontage Rd. Suite. C, Yuba City
Servicio de depilación, Peluquería, Maquillador